WARBIRD RADIO - There's no finer military airshow in the USA than Marine Corp Air Station Miramar's. The Marine Air-Ground Task Force demonstration (MAGTF), plus the unbelievable performer line-up they have annually all make for a truly incredible display.
For 2023, the performer lineup includes the United States Navy Blue Angels, F-16 Viper Demo, Marine F-35 Demo, Kent Pietsch, Michael Goulian, SOCOM Para Commandos, U2 Demo, Vicky Benzing, and the Red Bull Air Force and the Hot Streak II Jet Truck.
Our own Matt Jolley will be co-announcing the airshow with airshow announcer colleague Rob Reider. For tickets, chalet information, and more visit the Quick Link below.
QUICK LINK: https://miramarairshow.com